Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Unholiest of the holy
R.A.: (with concerned, I've-been-praying-for-you face) Are you going to chapel?
me: (very confused face) It appears I am. Why?
R.A.: (shaking her head and pointing assertively at my get-up) You can't wear that.
me: (looking down to evaluate my Rolling Stones t-shirt, denim shorts, and cowboy boots and pointing back at myself) This?
R.A.: That. You cannot wear that in The House of The Lord.
me: (amused) ok....
I turned around and headed to work instead. I loved my job at Betsey Johnson (recently the store closed after becoming bankrupt....I guess the financial equivalent to what a few of my school chums thought I was morally.) Every month I could pick any free dress I wanted and any damaged items were also free, so my closet grew rapidly. It was a perfect college job.
Fast forward to present day Life-of-me: a wife, mom, and student trying to be a thousand things at once. Fancy dresses don't really make the list of important things anymore though, so one day I decided to Ebay them. So far I have streamlined my closet and earned about $600! More closet space, more money! Win-Win! In the process I also discovered a few hidden gems that I just couldn't imagine why I had stopped wearing! So, excitedly I threw on one such dress (an above the knee embroidered black lace one with a sheer hem) and headed to church with an elderly lady that I take every Sunday. We go to a breathtaking Catholic church with a very refined parish. I am not used to the customs of Catholics, but I think this sums up some of the physical demands on any given Sunday:
enter church, dip hand in Holy water, cross yourself, walk to pew, kneel/bow, sit, kneel, sit, stand, kneel, sit, stand, sit, kneel, sit, stand, shake hands with neighbors, kneel again, sit while parishioners receive communion, kneel when they get back, sit, kneel, stand, exit pew, kneel/bow, leave church and cross yourself on the way out the door
This particular Sunday I drank a lot of coffee. So, I had to make an exit to the ladies room because my post-baby-bladder was sending threatening messages to my brain. I exited the pew, bowed awkwardly because this is something I am not accustomed to and hurried along the way to the back of the church noting that the faces I encountered along the way all shared the same look of quiet revulsion. When I reached the ladies room I saw a full length mirror and decided to see what could be the matter..... I suppose when I bowed, I must have mooned about half of the congregation sitting behind me. In The House Of The Lord. It came back to me why I stopped wearing this dress: sheer hem too short to be considered decent. I thought, "Well Holy Ish, this is going to be an uncomfortable walk back to the pew." I did though and kneeled piously as I could, bowing only at my neck and not at my waist. When it came time to shake hands with my neighbors I gave my best I'm REALLY sorry face to the woman behind me who answered with a snide look. Understandable.
So perhaps the R.A. so many years ago wasn't too far off her mark. She may have been mothering me in some way that was as natural to her as denim, t-shirts, and cowboy boots are to me.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Hiatuses and Processionals
#1. I have decided to write a book. I hope all three of you reading will hold me accountable to this. It has been a dream of mine for a long time. Ideas stack up in my head and never find their way to paper. I think it's time. I feel more motivated than ever to make it happen.
#2. My championing Laziness has yet again won out on the blogging front, and instead of creating a blog all on my own I asked my Dad to do the work for me....
I approached my Dear Ol' Dad about writing out one of my favorite stories that I had only heard for the first time a few years ago (2 at the most). This story makes me smile any time I think of it because it is truly funny. I have to stress that, and you will see why. So, my father, never missing a moment to create a greater moral....never ignoring an opportunity to parent, has lovingly retold a story that I love. Please enjoy.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Sheer Insanity
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Electro Feel
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Family Calamity: Part 1
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Blinded with Science
- Studies show that increased stressors/chronic stress increases the number of white blood cells and decreases the number of our helper T cells, suppressor T cells, natural killer cells, cytotoxic T cells, and B cells.
- Stressors yield sympathetic nervous system and endocrine system changes, which then causes impaired immune function
- Simply explained: Stress manifests as anxiety/fear/sadness/tension -> increased heart rate, increased blood pressure. In a prolonged state this -> body's inability to maintain homeostasis. Bad news.
- Mid 20th Century studies indicated that psychotic patients had poor antibody response to whooping cough vaccines when compared to non-psychotic patients.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Best Friends and Serial Killers
Monday, January 2, 2012
Now I floss all the time.
Now I floss all the time
The cast:
Me – a bit out of place and feeling awkward
V.V. – comfortable among her peers
R.E. – in her home and feeling like the great hostess that she is
G. – floss toting friend. Possibly one of the nicest people anyone could meet.
J. – bright eyed, kind, what else can you say
M. and S. – mostly huddled in a corner talking amongst themselves
Unimportant side note: V.V. has known she is pregnant for about two weeks, but no one else knows. Besides me, that is. The pride I feel of being entrusted with this secret swells inside me and could erupt from my mouth at any moment. Instead of giving away this secret, I shoot meaningful looks at V.V. every time I hear the words “roller coaster,” “babies,” “sushi,” or the like. If only the fools knew to look…
I was at a party. I believe it was all girls. In fact, yes, it was all girls. The church-going type – very sweet, poised, and praising one another all the time, which would be a fault if they weren’t mostly just harmless and kind. Anyway, at this party they were serving spinach alfredo pizza. It was delicious! I ate a few slices, a-thank you very much! Then G., someone I sort of knew, pulled out little travel flossers and started flossing her teeth. I paid no attention...that's a little weird...whatever. Not taking the hint, she proceeded to ask me if I would like one. "No thanks!" Who flosses in public anyway? She insisted. Being the type to give into peer pressure, I accepted in order to make her happy. A few teeth in, and despite the faint taste of blood, I feigned a sincere smile and said, "These are great." That was the moment I realized the flosser was stuck. Time sort of stopped as I rapidly grew claustrophobic and felt the impulse to pull out the flosser; even if it meant losing a tooth in the process. The plastic handle protruded from my mouth like some horrific snaggletooth. I excused myself because, at the time, I didn't make a habit of flossing regularly. I didn't know how to extract this travel-companion floss from my teeth. In a blaze of thoughts I debated whether it would be better to lose a tooth in the children’s bathroom or the master bathroom. I chose the latter. I hurried through the doorway, past the pristinely sheeted bed, and looked in the mirror. The sight was worse than I anticipated. I had spinach in nearly every tooth crevice and those that were spared were bleeding profusely from the flosser. I looked like I needed to be institutionalized. After some swift maneuvering, the floss came out. My pride long gone, I went back and asked her for another flosser (because now I knew there was much more spinach to remove)...I continued to bleed, but that eventually subsided. I can still remember her grimacing face...she must have been disgusted. Oh well...just another day in the life. All of that to say, I floss semi-regularly now. I also learned that spinach pizza is best reserved for eating in the privacy of your own home.