Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sheer Insanity

I was beginning to think of myself as pretty dull. Only a few blogs in, and that's all I got. Close the shop, folks. Then over dinner with some friends, a story that had long disappeared from my mind was unearthed. Now, even at the risk of my mom calling me to ask if I completely lost my brain in my early 20's, I will tell you the tale....

I used to work at a hoity-toity clothing store. I was poor, happy, and dressed pretty well. Life was good, and I was more trusting of people then than I am now. One night a man came in. He was in his 40s or 50s, I suppose. He was extremely tan and had the whitest teeth I had ever seen. Who doesn't trust someone with a perfect smile? Anyway, this guy chatted for awhile and told me that he could cut my hair. I was poor so I declined on the basis that I had no cash. He insisted and said I didn't have to pay! Well, alright! I waited for the shop to close, let him cut my hair, let him clean up the scraps while I finished closing, and we went our separate ways. Pretty normal.
About a few months later he returned and cut my hair plus my coworkers hair. The routine ensued every month thereafter. He was so friendly! My coworker and I enthusiastically welcomed his visits, so now we would put up a sign: "Back in 15!" We would go to the stock room, let him use his could-be-weapon scissors to harmlessly trim our locks. This went on for 2 years. night I wasn't there. He came in. Gave my friend her haircut, and said he would do the usual clean up while she got back to work. Said friend went to the front of the store and remembered she needed something from the back. She made her way casually to the stock room, rounded the corner, and found him. Shoving hair in his pants.
Yep. All these years. It wasn't until then that it had even occurred to me that I was: closing and locking my store, going to the back room alone with some guy armed with a potentially deadly weapon, and taking a seat while he gave me his crocodile grin and cut away. Seriously.

Don't know how else to end this one. It's a doozy, so I will let you simmer on that.



  1. I'm so so so so so glad that we unearthed this memory! It is fantastic and completely horrific and repulsive.
